Principals Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Kia Aorangi Ake

"He Toa Takitini, He Toa Takimaha."

I te whatitoka o tōku whare o Maniaihu ka mātai atu taku titiro ki ngā taumata o ngā maunga whakahī o Tararua o Ruahine, o Whakaari e tū takarerewa mai rā, Ka māwhiti atu anō taku titiro ki te marae, ki Aorangi e takoto mai rā, ki te taunga o te manukura. I konei harewa ai taku whirikōkō ki ngā taumata o te rangi ka ao, ka ao, ka aorangi e. Kei aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi, kei aku whakateitei ki te whenua nau mai rā ki tēnei peka o te rākau taumatua o MANUKURA. 

MANUKURA has embraced the challenge to evolve an education model that enables its students and thereby whanau, to a life of opportunity and prosperity. Whilst the goal is through the pursuit of education, it is important to understand that this is not an end point, but rather a continuum. The MANUKURA education model is a living space that continues to seek new pathways for our staff and students to engage, extend and excel.

In our short history, beginning in 2005, under the name of TŪ TOA, we engaged the support of some of New Zealand's leading academics, sporting high performers, iwi and practitioners to lay a platform for an education model that would ensure we would change the landscape of Māori education. Our link to Aorangi Marae, is a reminder of the importance to take a stand for your beliefs and people with a commitment and persistence to carve our own pathways toward excellence. The symbolism of - “kia aorangi ake” - entwined in our waiata and haka, is a connection to both Aorangi Marae and the message to continually seek new levels of excellence.

In 2015, MANUKURA was officially recognised by the Ministry of Education, and granted Special Character School designation, under Section 156 of the Education Act. This was further endorsed in 2018, when the Ministry of Education agreed to finance a complete new build as recognition of the results and accolades that MANUKURA has accomplished academically, in kaupapa Māori and in sport. MANUKURA academic attainment now features amongst the best schools in New Zealand. With a student roll that is 95% Māori, we operate well above the national standard of NCEA endorsement and University Entrance. 

Our students grace the stages for speech making, including Manu Korero. Our stance on the popular stages of kapa haka, endeavours to bring a new perspective and purpose beyond a mere performance. Additionally our presence in the highly competitive arenas of sport is a further platform to compete as well as express our cultural connections and commitment. However, there is still much to be accomplished. In an ever advancing world, technologically, environmentally, economically and culturally, MANUKURA students need to be equipped with the tools to excel.

In all of these areas we are immensely proud. We feel the enormous sacrifice of whanau to enable this opportunity for their children. We are indebted to the countless hours from staff to avail their time for our students. Furthermore, we witness the determination of our rangatahi to succeed. Early starts, long days, rain, hail and shine our whanau, staff and students collectively live the life of a student at MANUKURA.

Ilane Durie

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