Whilst we do not advocate as being a boarding institution, we are aware of the need to assist whānau with this option and do work to provide limited accommodation through private homes. Evidently this relies on the goodwill of our existing whānau and staff to make this a reality and as such it is reviewed annually. We fortunate to have a number of private homes available for students based in Palmerston North and Feilding. The homes are all operated by whānau and though independent of MANUKURA, are critical in the role they play in supporting the students holistic development. As such MANUKURA is included in the decision making process to assist the boarding home students, whānau and the boarding home caregivers.
With students busy sporting schedules whānau provide both a 5 & 7 day option. Availability of space in the homes takes into account: gender, sporting needs, a balance of students requiring 5 or 7 day board and year level. MANUKURA can provide assistance in
Private Boarding is arranged by individuals independently. If any opportunities arise that we are aware of we will contact whānau directly. If you can please keep us informed of your final boarding plans that is always appreciated so we can maintain contact with boarding whānau throughout the year. Boarding fees are arranged with individual whānau who care for students. MANUKURA’s current rates are offered as a guide: $180 per week for 7 days and $160 per week for 5 days through automatic payments – this will be determined by you and the boarding whānau.
Boarding Bursaries : please check the new system in place via the Ministry of Education website. It is critical to apply now by using the Ministry of Education online directions.