High Performance Sport at MANUKRUA

Athlete focused, coach led, performance driven

Creating a performance driven environment where high expectations challenge all personnel to reflect the aspirations of MANUKURA is a constant. Sports science is one of the many areas the programme encompasses into the daily expectations of the athletes lives. MANUKURA is a high performance lifestyle and therefore behaviours that detract from this lifestyle are not tolerated. Our main focus is to grow people through sport using it as a catalyst to achieve academic and sporting success always with the focus of being successful Māori role models as a key ingredient. Our goal is to identify and develop sporting talent, and ensure athletes have the skills and resources they need to produce, nurture and support their academic and sporting aspirations.


High Performance Sport at MANUKURA demands the highest standards of conduct and representation. The MANUKURA way expects all personnel to reflect strongly a pride in all aspects of MANUKURA representation. Individuals representing MANUKURA accept their role in being best prepared for the role they play, in expecting the best of others and in always seeking to grow.


  • We believe in fair play
  • We believe in providing opportunities for all to develop performance depth and growth 
  • We believe in fostering the self-esteem and respect of both self and others 
  • We believe in quality learning experiences that extend, challenge and grow individuals
  • We believe in providing opportunities in which students can achieve personal success
  • We believe in reflecting positively the aspirations of Māori success the MANUKURA way
  • We believe in committing to a high performance lifestyle
  • We believe in creating an environment where high expectation is paramount


Code of Conduct
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