The MANUKURA Ethos award was given to students who consistently displayed the ethics & principles which symbolise MANUKURA values influencing others and the environment in a positive way.
Junior Ethos
Tuhokairangi Miller
Tuhokairangi consistently demonstrated an ability across his academic and sporting engagements. Diligent and hardworking, he excelled in Rugby and in the classroom. Additionally, he was fully immersed in all aspects of MANUKURA.
Senior Ethos
Suraya Goss
Suraya was selected for the ethos award for her sustained loyalty and commitment to MANUKURA throughout her five years in the programme. She was a consistent performer academically and in sports, however, her growth and commitment to kaupapa Māori enabled her to be a strong leader and role model.
Senior Ethos
Potene Rolls-Paewai
A very natural athlete Potene was acknowledged throughout his time at MANUKURA as a gifted sportsman. Equally, he became a competent student who managed to balance both his sporting and academic goals.
For service to MANUKURA and recognition of commendable leadership and sportsmanship and having shown an interest in and concern for those who are less fortunate.