Principal's Welcome

Kia Aorangi Ake

"He Toa Takitini, He Toa Takimaha."

I te whatitoka o tōku whare o Maniaihu ka mātai atu taku titiro ki ngā taumata o ngā maunga whakahī o Tararua o Ruahine, o Whakaari e tū takarerewa mai rā, Ka māwhiti atu anō taku titiro ki te marae, ki Aorangi e takoto mai rā, ki te taunga o te manukura. I konei harewa ai taku whirikōkō ki ngā taumata o te rangi ka ao, ka ao, ka aorangi e. Kei aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi, kei aku whakateitei ki te whenua nau mai rā ki tēnei peka o te rākau taumatua o MANUKURA. 

For more specific enquiries please email: and a member of the Senior Leadership Team will respond.

MANUKURA has embraced the challenge to evolve an education model that enables its students and thereby whanau, to a life of opportunity and prosperity. Whilst the goal is through the pursuit of education, it is important to understand that this is not an end point, but rather a continuum. The MANUKURA education model is a living space that continues to seek new pathways for our staff and students to engage, extend and excel.

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Venue Hire

Our Venue is suitable for hosting a variety of cultural and sporting events. We welcome bookings to hire these facilities. Submit your booking request at least 8 weeks before you want to hold your event or use a facility.

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